Micro Landscapes

& Souvenirs

Do the pace of our lives and habits of disposability make our junk invisible? Sparks fly when I encounter a vibrant fragment from human waste rendered invisible, we all exist within. With a curious mind, I am drawn to the pops of colors, values and forms scattered about our streets and fields. These curiously shards amass in the library of fragments in my studio. Through my crafted repository of found and made objects, I have created a multitude of opportunities to play, seeking to explore the wonder I first felt when foraging. Working in the framework of play my practice uses ceramics and altered plastic objects to recontextualize the foraged junk within sculptural objects, centering the junk ubiquitous on our landscapes.  Play is a tool and a practice I engage to challenge the structures we exist within, creating wonder, curiosity and a desire to pause and play. My assembling process is slow, in opposition to the pace at which we consume. The viewer is invited to follow that pace of my practice; to view the works, one must pause and investigate to observe the connects, nuance, and materials assembled into one object. These slow observations in my practice, from gathering to making, enhances and reinforces the curiosity in the environments I inhabit, as I process the decay, beauty, and lingering plastic. Responding to the vignettes I see within my immediate environment; I create micro landscapes through a playful lens that translate the world through my perspective, translating the beautiful haunting altered landscape we inhabit into perceptible scale.


Micro Landscapes

  • Junk Daydream

    2023, ceramic, foraged objects, spray foam scrap, silver leaf, acrylic, epoxy, fence staples, tool dip

  • Plastic Veil

    2023, ceramic, foraged objects, epoxy, resin

  • Green Veil

    2023, ceramic, foraged object, spray foam scrap, silver leaf, epoxy, tool dip, neon

  • Under the Sunflowers

    2023, ceramic, foraged objects, epoxy

  • A Souvenir: After the Finish

    2023, ceramic, acrylic, cable tie

  • Once a Tree

    2023, ceramic, foraged objects, fence staples, epoxy, resin, acrylic, tool dip

  • Traversing the Anthropocene

    2023, ceramic, foraged objects, rocks, epoxy, aluminum slag, cable tie, luster

  • Colorful Doom

    2023, ceramic, foraged object

  • Among the Sunflowers

    2023, ceramic, foraged objects, epoxy, resin, acrylic

  • Springscape

    2023, ceramic, acrylic, resin, epoxy

  • Micro Landscape

    2023, ceramic, foraged object, epoxy, resin

  • Junk Dreamland: Traversing the Anthropocene

    2023: A table top landscape of micro landscapes and parts arranged into a larger whole

Upcoming MFA Thesis Exhibition April 12th, 2024